Vintage Necklace Opaque Plastic Raspberry Bead With Pendant

Acrylic, Plastic | Opaque Off White
This opaque colored bead vintage necklace has plastic raspberry beads, round clear beads and small opaque seed beads. The yellow tint is from the sun shinny in thru the window as the necklace was being photographed.

It also has a pendant drop in the front.

The necklace measures 32 inches long.

It has a pendant of 2-1/2 inches in the front.

The clear opaque beads have a crystal like look at times, depending on the light.

At others times they appear to have a slightly yellowish tint.

The necklace does not have a closure.

It slips easily over the head. It was really difficult to get a clear photo of this necklace due to its light coloring. It does need a little cleaning.


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